Market - AGENFOR Import & Export Forestry Products Agency
AGENFOR Import & Export Forestry & Woods Products Agency - Round logs, timber, veneer, lumber, flooring, parquet, plywood, panel, mdf, doors, windows, other manufactured wood products. Special offers & last hour news market
From the Seventies AGENFOR® search around the World the most interesting quality products for his clients from different Countries.
AGENFOR®, daily live the market situation as own interest because business and profits of our friends are ever a personal affair.
Every day morning we stars to work thinking,
What are today of interest for our friends?
Import & Export Forestry Products Agency, our World and the work forever we love.
AGENFOR®, by the years has developed contacts with forestry and ground producers and user from every Continents, which keep as personal friends.
Business depends of eventual market situation each moment and for punctual demands, offers & wishes.
Generally Africa supply raw material (logs, timbers, etc.) and buy technical engineering and factories (hand key).
Asia buy round logs, sawn timbers & veneers and send half-finished products mainly plywood and panels.
Europe deliver some other raw materials for their elaboration (European logs), half-finished (veneers, parquet flooring, etc.), completely end (doors, flooring) and entirely finished (furniture).
America send products (logs, lumber & veneer) and SouthAmerica is mostly exporter all sort raw materials (round logs, sawn timbers, strips, parquet flooring, veneers, etc.) and other finish goods (solid doors, mouldings, etc.).
Finally Australian Continent is mainly seller and exporter of their typical veneer species.
AGENFOR®, provides from Wooden International Market to many Countries around the World all sorts of forestry raw materials, half-finished products and manufactured products to first wooden factories, second line wood products and final manufacturers of doors, windows. floorings, furniture, etc., same that other forest ground fruits and products like cocoa and coffee bean or raw rubber balls (caoutchouc).